I love books.
Recently, I reread Paulo Coelho's By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept and it is one of the best decisions I made. Reading it while I've just started my twenties made me develop deeper insights than the ones I had when I first read it in my teens. The well-written manuscript talks of love, pain, fear, happiness, peace, contentment: all elements of human nature that we all know but can't really comprehend. I can safely say that the book came nearest to explaining well these profound basic concepts and provided guidelines for us to live happy lives.
Someone once told me that the book (actually he said this about Coelho's writing style as a whole) was primarily a collection of quotes woven (not so well, according to him) into a story.
I beg to differ. To me, the words were just chosen well that almost every sentence is a quotable quote. I definitely recommend this book to those who wish to understand love not through a teenager's eyes, or an obsessive lover's eyes, or a bored fling-seeker's eyes, but through the eyes of someone who's matured enough to know both the good and bad side of love yet still fears to give in to it. While the title and the synopsis suggest that it is a simple love story, the book actually teaches you more than just romantic love. By the River discusses how happiness and inner peace can be achieved by loving oneself fully: opening your heart and letting go of your fears and doubts.
Alright, since this blog is also placed in the ADditional info section, I added a wonderful print ad below, which is basically an ad that relates to book lovers like myself.
I absolutely love this ad because it clearly depicts the ad copy. Brilliant! The images make me want to sleep with all of my favorite books on my bed and dream with all my favorite characters!
I really can't wait to make my own ads! Advertising industry, prepare for my arrival! :D