Art is expression. Set yourself free. Let imagination rule your world.

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Haste Makes Waste. Do not cram.


Books before boys because boys bring babies.

On LIFE as a whole

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

Life is a piece of cake. Share yours with a smile!
Every cloud has a silver lining. Problems always have solutions. Don't worry.
Never miss out on the simple good things in life. You only have one shot in it.

Okay. These are just hilarious!

got 'em from here:

Oh well. I just love the Ex-Men part. The caption is so epic and well-though of!

Haha! I gotta stop chillin' and start workin'!!! Lotsa things to do!!! >.<

So I just saw this in 9gag (

I always get thrilled with brand/company wars like this, when they manifest war through creative and fierce adverts. I JUST LOVE IT!!!

Well BB just got PWNED by Apple. 

But really, BB's add is so cool... Apple was just as creative. I can't wait to see how this war will end. Will it expand and affect other smart phone makers such as Samsung? GAAAAHHHHHH I can't wait! :D More advert wars please! Haha! I think they're still engaged in healthy competition as of now anyway... And in this wars like this, there's always just one winner... no one else, but the consumer. :D


So, which side are you on? :D

Well it's been a long time since my last post!

January has been a very hectic and almost suicidal, torturous, and yes, somewhat depressing or agitating even...month. And now there's just a couple of weeks to go before I bid this tiring month goodbye and say hello to lovely February. Now that's a good rhyme, and I hope Feb. really does its part of the bargain. 

Anyway!!! Haha that's quite a segue from the title. So one thing that made me very tired today, January 19, 2012 (I placed the date because I figured my blog displays the wrong time. But when it saves drafts it shows the right time. Weird!), was the enjoyable blockbuster entitled Career Fair by UP CAP. I submitted several copies of my résumé to several companies. I do hope they give me ring in a few months! :D And well, there was a booth there wherein you just have to sign up and they'll give you free NesVita. And today, they gave me a free sachet of my favorite Sweet Corn NesVita!!! Oh yes, beautiful! (Yup, imagine Marian's commercial from long ago. Haha)

Actually, I like NesVita more than other brands of cereal milk drink products. I also like Energen, especially the vanilla one, but it's much sweeter than NesVita. I like it but not as much as I love NesVita. Bear Brand also has this Busog Lusog cereal drink that doesn't really match my taste. It just doesn't taste right for me, but it's bearable. Now I'm sorry for my criticism, but we all have standards and NesVita just scored a perfect 10 on my scorecard. Besides, I've been having it since I was a kid. Now that I have this sachet beside me (yep, literally) I'm craving for more!!! Haha! Good thing it's not a product you should be guilty of consuming (not that it's good for diets and stuff, slimming shizz) or buying (it's not that pricey, sweetheart :D) plus it's a healthy substitute to junk food or whatever empty sweets, at least for me. I can have my NesVita for breakfast, midnight snack, or just whenever I want to. It'll make me full but not bloated, unhealthy or whatever. So yup, I'm a fan of NesVita and this is no paid advert. Haha. But if I do receive offers, I can do a paid write-up for a product. :p