Art is expression. Set yourself free. Let imagination rule your world.

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Life is a piece of cake. Share yours with a smile!
Every cloud has a silver lining. Problems always have solutions. Don't worry.
Never miss out on the simple good things in life. You only have one shot in it.

Porque contigo yo ya escoji
Ahora mi corazon ta supri
Bien simple lang iyo ta pidi
Era cinti tu el cosa yo ya cinti
Ta pidi milagro, vira'l tiempo
El mali hace derecho
Na di mio reso ta pidi yo
Era olvida yo contigo

I get LSS whenever I hear this song. The thing is, I don't always hear it on the radio, but often I hear it because there's this one customer who buys from our store whose ringtone is this song. I didn't like it before when it was newly released but lately I found it quite... good. Haha. It actually became one of my faves and a staple whenever I play songs from my playlist. I think this is a good song to listen to when you're still bitter-the onset of the moving on stage. :D

So about the post title. 

I've been through lots of moving on stages, be it because of relationships (yeah, I believe this is the top-of-mind when you hear the words "moving on"), self renewal (been through lots), or failure (academics, work, expectations, you know) and most if not all are very unpleasant. Still, the bottom line is this: it has to be done and it will be done. Whatever hurt you in the past, it will always be a truth that it happened and you can't change it. You only have power over the present and future. Get creative and do something!

Can't get over him? You can do 2 things: (1) bask in your memories with him-pictures, texts, e-mails, love letters, gifts, Facebook-everything that reminds you of him. Surround yourself with all of these junk until you get fed up with everything! Or you can (2) erase every memorabilia or at least hide them, don't type his name on your browser, block him, make him invisible to your eyes and far from your reach until you lose all interest in him. Both are absurd but very possible and I tell you, they can be very effective. You can try to mix them a bit but the percentage must be 90-10, otherwise something like 50-50 would be very useless. Trust me. Been there, done that. Haha so yeah, I've been through lots of these and what happened? I succeeded. I moved on. See!

Self renewal I believe should always be done with an initiative. I don't think it'll come naturally. If you're a person who trusts easily, it will not be very easy for you to put your guard up in a snap just because you want to, and do it for good. For a while you'll manage, but I doubt you'll hold it for long. You have to decide to do it, to keep doing it and to make it a habit. It's hard to change oneself but if you have to, then do it. For me it takes years. Sometimes it takes that long to have some observable results only to find out that you made the wrong decision. It's also quite hard to go back to the you before. It's easy to forget your previous self; easier than it seems. In making decisions regarding your life and your character, choose wisely since there may be no chance of going back.

Failure is a fact of life. You'll feel stupid, worthless, a big mistake by your parents, an awful epitome of imperfection, and everything else that will make you more depressed. I personally get really affected by my failures. I try not to show it but sometimes the scars run too deep that I wonder where my brains really are and if I really should be called smart. I get depressed lots of times, but I felt downtrodden more often before. Now, I just try to see the rainbow that will come after the rain, while it's still pouring like crazy. Haha. Failure is awfully hard to swallow but you have to unless you want to sulk 'til you drop. Also, you can convince yourself that it's not so bad at all, but believe me it'll only work for a few minutes. So you better think of a rational explanation to appease yourself. Lastly, keep in mind that you will definitely do better next time. And uh, do it for goodness sake. 

So there. Moving on is hard but possible and you are the only key to its success. Technique and behavior will definitely be your aces in this game. Think of a good strategy that will work for you. Try and try until you get one that fits you.


I should know. Been there, done that...SUCCEEDED IN THE END. ;)


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